Marriage transcripts
The Hamilton History Centre holds local area marriage records in a number of formats and vary in the information included. Our collections have been painstakingly transcribed from the original Church records and may include details such as the bride and groom’s names, ages, birthplaces, residences, occupations, date and location of the marriage, names of witnesses, condition (bachelor, spinster, widow, or widower), parents’ names, parents’ occupations, and the name of the officiant.
Click here to view the current list of registers held.
For an example of what may be contained in these records, please click this image:
Delivery options available:
- Scanned digital image sent by email
- Photocopy available to be picked up at the Centre
- Photocopy available to be posted to you
Ask first
It is advisable to ask the Centre first to find out if a transcript is available. Use the $5 Lookup service to get details, before requesting copies.

Important notes
- You are buying the time of a Centre voluntees to undertake research on your behalf. We cannot guarantee that we will find exactly what you are looking for. Records simply may not exist, be available or be accessible. Where possible, we will endeavour to complete your request or possibly provide you with some guidance on other avenues which you can pursue. For this reason, we do not offer refunds if we do not find the information you are after.